The state corporation «Rostec» announced the start of certification work for the third generation onboard radio-electronic equipment for the domestic aircraft SJ-100. Work is carried out by the concern KRET, which is part of the corporation.

Avionics replaces the previous French solution of the aircraft from Thales Avionics and meets all the requirements of international air navigation.
Avionics replaces the previous French solution of the aircraft from Thales Avionics and meets all the requirements of international air navigation.

In Rostec, they note that in creating the digital complex of piloting and navigation equipment, the developers relied on the already existing experience of creating and successfully operating similar complexes for the Il-96-300, Tu-204/214, Il-114, Be-200 aircraft and their modifications.

The development of Russian avionics for the aircraft is carried out in cooperation with enterprises of the radio-electronic industry led by KRET. With this work, we are on the home stretch. Today, designers are finalizing the hardware in accordance with the comments received following the tests of the import-substituted SJ-100 in August of this year. Documentation for the certification of BREO is being prepared in parallel.
Executive Director of Rostec Oleg Evtushenko.

The first tests of a new engine for the SJ-100, called the PD-8, are also underway. The industry Telegram channel "Fasten Seat Belts", specializing in civil aviation issues, reported with reference to the chief designer of the aircraft of the Yakovlev Production Center, Kirill Kuznetsov, that the engine was successfully launched on the airliner this week. The PD-8 will become the "heart" not only for the SJ-100, but also for the Russian amphibious aircraft Be-200.

These big steps in import substitution mean that the plans of the United Aircraft Corporation to transfer several serial SJ-100s to Aeroflot by the end of 2023 can be implemented. The company's press service told about them in an interview with the Telegram channel "Fasten Seat Belts" in early October.

Two serial SJ-100s for the Aeroflot group of companies will actually be ready this year. The question remains about certification, which depends in part on the pace of work on the PD-8 engine - with it, it is necessary to perform at least 120 flights.
UAC Press Service.

The Russian import-substituted airliner SJ-100 made its first test flights in August and September 2023. It has fully Russian components: from radio electronics to glazing, which withstands from -62 to +85 °C and collisions with birds at speeds over 570 km/h.

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