Company "Kama" has started testing the functional platform for the electric vehicle "Atom", which will last until mid-2024. The platform testing will take place at test sites in the Russian Federation and China, reported by the press service of the automaker.

As part of the test program, 13 functional samples of the lower part of the electric vehicle were built. Specialists from "Kama" plan to adjust the chassis, carry out calibration of steering control, brake system, electric motor. It is noted that this stage is important on the way to mass production of "Atom".

The premiere of the car took place in May 2023. The start of "Atom" sales is scheduled for 2025. The developers promise that the electric car will have a range of 500 km and will be able to accelerate to 100 km/h in 7 seconds. 

Electric car "Atom"
Electric car "Atom"

"Kama" company promises to announce the price of the electric car closer to the start of mass production. The manufacturer emphasizes that "Atom" will incorporate active and passive safety concepts. In particular, it is planned to use the driver assistance system (ADAS 2.5), as well as ensure high body rigidity.

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