The state corporation 'Roscosmos' plans to launch the satellite 'Bion-M' №2 with mice on board by July 31, 2024, was reported by the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The biological satellite will be sent to a high-latitude orbit with the purpose of preparing for the subsequent creation of the Russian Orbital Station (ROS). Originally, 'Bion-M' №2 was planned to be sent to an orbit with a height of 800 km, which is twice the height of the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS).

According to a representative of the IMBP RAS, scientists are now preparing on-board and scientific equipment, conducting tests. It is known that 75 mice, Drosophila flies, plants, and microorganisms will fly into space on the biosatellite. But the main object of investigation are mice. Scientists will track how radiation and weightlessness affects rodents.

The first satellite of the 'Bion-M' series was launched into orbit in 2013. Then, in addition to mice, geckos, snails, and sandpipers were sent into space. The apparatus was in space for 45 days, after which it successfully landed in the Orenburg region.

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