Russian PJSC "Tupolev" (established based on the design bureau headed by Soviet aircraft designer and engineer Andrei Tupolev) has received a patent for a hypersonic aircraft.


In the patent materials, it is noted that the aircraft has received a power plant consisting of three turbojet engines. Two of them work on traditional aviation kerosene, the third - on cryogenic fuel (low-boiling liquid rocket fuel, one of the components of which is at a temperature below −153.15 °C - note by 

It is noted that with the help of cryogenic fuel, the aircraft is safely accelerated to hypersonic speed. In particular, during the flight there is friction of the aircraft parts, which is accompanied by their heating.

For cooling, cryogenic fuel is supplied from the fuel tank, due to the endothermic character of the process, heat is absorbed, and the heated cryogenic fuel transforms into a gas form, then it is supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine and creates thrust.

The patent indicates that liquefied natural gas (LNG) can serve as high-quality cryogenic fuel. One of the authors of the invention is Valery Benderov, a leading engineer of the company.

It was previously reported that magnetic indicators have been developed for Tu-214 passenger aircraft, which will allow pilots to make a more safe landing of the vessel.

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