The US authorities have decided to expand the sanctions list against the Russian Federation. The restrictions affected several financial institutions, including "Pochta Bank", "Russian Standard" bank, and the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development. 

Personal Western sanctions have affected the chief designer of Zala Aero (part of one of the largest Russian defense companies "Kalashnikov", producer of the Lancet drone) Alexander Zakharov, and the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade - Deputy Ministers Viktor Evtukhov and Alexey Besprozvanny.  


The Lancet strike drone is considered an intellectual multitasking modern weapon, which finds a target set by the operator and strikes it. The drone is almost invisible to the enemy until the moment of attack, as it is made of composite materials.

The servicemen of the Russian armed forces have repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness. The Lancet has a reconnaissance module, navigation and communication systems. The fact of target destruction can be confirmed via video channel. 

It was previously reported that Zala Aero plans to improve the guidance system of the Lancet. 

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