The capital's factory "Moskvich" continues to conquer the domestic market. As part of strengthening its positions, the manufacturer may reconsider its pricing policy. It is possible that the cost of cars will decrease in 2024. This was announced by the commercial director of "Moskvich" Aleksandr Migal.

Factory "Moskvich"
Factory "Moskvich"

According to him, a reduction is indeed possible, however, the enterprise is still operating taking into account macroeconomic conditions.

Our main priority now is active work on localization
Aleksandr Migal

Migal emphasized that thanks to investments in localization of production, the brand's dependence on the exchange rate will decrease.

Now "Moskvich" offers its models to Russians with a good discount. But the maximum benefit can be obtained by employees of domestic car brands. For example, AvtoVAZ employees can buy Lada (except for Lada Vesta) with a discount of up to 10%. And KAMAZ workers - with a discount of up to 22%.

Migal also commented on how "Moskvich" customers evaluate the quality of cars. The commercial director noted that some drivers consider the factory's work to be "screwing wheels to the car set", but this is not the case.

There is already a colossal difference between the incoming quality of assembled components and the final quality of a ready-made car, in the dealership
Aleksandr Migal

The car manufacturer promptly "processes" customer feedback and improves quality standards, he emphasized. Now "Moskvich" is preparing for a full assembly cycle at the factory: small-part assembly, body welding and painting. Thanks to this approach, the factory will be able to localize production to the maximum, the commercial director summed up.

In 2024, the manufacturer promised to present the "Moskvich 8" - a D-class crossover. Car enthusiasts are waiting for another premiere - the medium-sized crossover "Moskvich 5". Company engineers are currently conducting research, studying how much the model meets market needs. And in 2025, "Moskvich" plans to present an electric car with a fully Russian engine and traction battery.

It was previously reported that the Moscow dealership centers received the "Moskvich 6".

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