The shipbuilders of Yaroslavl 'Paritet-Center' have launched Russia's largest passenger electric catamaran Looker 1100H, named 'Belyar'.

It will start operating in the new navigation season of 2024 and will carry tourists through the Volga.
It will start operating in the new navigation season of 2024 and will carry tourists through the Volga.

The watercraft, which is 32.4 meters long and 9.9 meters wide, can accommodate 130 people. To maintain it in proper condition, only three people from the crew and service staff are required.

The electric catamaran operates on two electric engines with a power output of 600 kW, and the capacity of its electric batteries is 1290 kWh. It takes 10 hours for a full charge, and it can operate independently without recharging for 8 hours. The power consumption of the motors is 8 kWh per kilometer at a speed of 10 knots (or, in land measurement, 18.52 km/h).

The electric catamaran project is a special order from JSC 'Mashpromleasing' for the local LLC 'Vodokhod' under the government program for the renewal of Russia's river fleet. The 'Belyar' equipment and software are completely Russian-made, and a whole team worked on the electric vessel.

The author of the project is Alexander Lukyanov, the co-founder of the Paritet Group; his idea was developed by the design office 'Sea Tech' and the federal government enterprise 'Krylov State Research Center'. The 'Belyar' hull was built under technical supervision of specialists from the Upper Volga branch of the Russian Classification Society.

Previously, another manufacturer, Sitronics Group, which is part of Sistema AFK, presented a similar double-deck electric catamaran 'Ecoxodie 2' of the Ecocruiser model. Like the 'Belyar', the ship will operate on the Volga and can accommodate 130 passengers. But its technical specifications are weaker in some aspects, for example, in terms of energy efficiency.

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