The official channel of the Russian mobile phone "R-PHONE" and the mobile operating system "ROSA Mobile" has published a response to accusations of plagiarism of the "R-PHONE".

The device was recently introduced as the first smartphone with a domestic operating system "ROSA Mobile", which will hit the market in 2024.

The price of the new smartphone is expected to be below 40,000 rubles.
The price of the new smartphone is expected to be below 40,000 rubles.

However, on the Internet, users and tech bloggers have found a distant relative of the smartphone "Made in Russia". It turned out to be the Symphony Helio 80 model from Bangladesh.

It is too early to talk about the internal stuffing of the devices and comparing them. But the external similarity of smartphones and some of their already known parameters are actively discussed in specialized Telegram channels and in the media.

On the left is a Russian smartphone, on the right is a Bangladeshi one.
On the left is a Russian smartphone, on the right is a Bangladeshi one.

In particular, the Telegram channel "Rozetked" found only two major differences between them. The Bangladeshi has a larger 108 MP camera, but only 6 GB of RAM. The Russian one has 2 GB more memory, but a more modest camera, just 50 MP.

The developers of the "R-PHONE" respond by saying that they are not familiar with the Bangladeshi development. The Russian and foreign smartphones are "two completely different devices". However, to start assembling the "R-PHONE" in Saransk, the "Rutec" company had to use foreign parts.

Foreign components were used for its manufacture. We are monitoring this market, but we are not aware of domestic hardware components that could be used in modern smartphones.

At the same time, the project team is striving to create a secure from external attacks "Russian smartphone, which meets all the requirements and criteria of equipment of Russian origin" from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. And is preparing to join the special registry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

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