The largest aviation holding in Russia, S7 Group, is developing new areas of activity in the north of Russia. In Murmansk, it will restore the oldest shipbuilding yard in the city, which once serviced civilian ships and the Ministry of Defense's vessels.

In this project, the aviation giant will show itself as an engineering and production company.
In this project, the aviation giant will show itself as an engineering and production company.

As reported on his Telegram channel by the governor of the Murmansk region, Andrey Chibis, a deal between S7 Group and the regional government about this was signed on the eve with the board of directors chairman Yevgeny Elin.

The staffing will be handled by the local Murmansk Arctic University. The investor will provide a computer classroom for future MAU engineers.

Moreover, S7 Group in the Murmansk region will invest in other projects, specifically, in the cultural-business center 'New Murmansk'. It was meant to be opened on the grounds of the former shipbuilding yard. But now the strategically important yard will be again functioning, and the cultural-business center will be moved to another location.

As part of this project, a wellness centre called ‘Arctic Aquathermal Physical-cultural Health Complex’ will be created with a waterpark. It will be located in the Podgornaya street district and it will be the first object of ‘New Murmansk’. The investor plans to start its construction next year.
Murmansk Region Governor Andrey Chibis

The 6.5 ha territory of the yard, which now belongs to S7 Group, was formerly owned by Murmansk shipbuilding yard of the marine fleet. According to publicly available sources, the company ceased to exist in 2019.

Why is Murmansk's shipbuilding yard important?

The yard in the center of Murmansk serviced all types of ships of all classes and purposes: from civilian ships to Ministry of Defense vessels. For one hundred years of existence - since 1917 - it has established a complete cycle of ship repair infrastructure: from hulls to ship furniture and parts production.

The yard's assets included its own mechanical, hull, electrical, paint, and woodwork shops. In the foundry and blacksmithing areas, parts of complex shapes were made from cast iron, steel and bronze.

In addition, the yard's assets included three docks for ships from 6 to 30 tons, five deep-water berths with all engineering communications, its own metrological service, chemical-analytical and mechanical-technological laboratories.

Сергей Ермилин

это всё очень хорошо. но вот кто к примеру будет думать о производстве простых бытовых товаров? Давно пора производителям заморочиться, да помочь как всем, так и себе тоже - лучше обустроиться, и выпустить бытовой сушильно-паровой шкаф, для сушки как белья так и одежды в тч обуви, со всевозможными функциями - сушка, отпаривание, обеззараживание (ионизация), вентиляция, увлажнение, ароматизация и тд!!! Ато все шкафы, что на рынке, выглядят как шкафы в раздевалке завода (стоят тысяч 16-30 руб) - но из металла, и нет встроенных моделей - в шкаф - для квартир, а иные - но западные модели стоили как самолёт, и скорей всего уже недоступные, как например модель - Паровой шкаф для ухода за одеждой LG S3RERB Styler, который в нормальное время, стоил 100 тр+++!!! Сейчас на это был-бы большой спрос - на дешёвый и доступный всем сушильный шкаф для белья и одежды в квартиры - за 50-70 тр, чтоб устранить загромождения от белья, и чтоб убрать с ванных комнат, прихожих, балконов и лоджий различные как раскладные, так и иные сушилки - в тч потолочного, настенного типа - из пещерных времён!!!... когда кто что на эту тему подумает, и кто что восстановит?!!!

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