According to the publication 'Vedomosti', the company 'Irteya' (it is a subsidiary of MTS) will engage in the creation of 4G and 5G base stations with an open architecture OpenRAN. It is planned to allocate 11 million rubles for development, these funds are reflected in the roadmap 'Modern and prospective mobile networks' for the period until 2030.

According to the same roadmap, the launch of serial production of base stations is planned for September 2024, and by June 2026 it is planned to produce up to 20 thousand base stations per year.

As the managing partner of 'TMT Consulting' Konstantin Ankilov believes, 'Irteya' will create base stations directly for MTS tasks, and the possible scaling of the solution will already depend on the maturity of the product. Konstantin Ankilov believes that by 2025 'Irteya' can create a ready-made solution, but two years is not enough for mass implementation. It will also be difficult to integrate new equipment into the existing network.

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