At the forum 'Army-2023', which took place this week in the Moscow region, Rostec presented its possibly most useful missile - 'Alazan-8M'. It is intended to combat hail clouds.

The 'Alazan-8M' is manufactured by the Cheboksary Production Association named after V. I. Chapaev, part of Rostec. The corporation assures that 'Alazan-8M' surpasses foreign and Russian analogues in its characteristics, but is cheaper.

Hail rockets are a weapon of first necessity for agrarians in the southern regions of Russia. The use of such shells allows to reduce losses of agricultural crops by 70-90%. 'Alazan-8M' differs from its predecessor, 'Alazan-6', with an improved body design, smaller diameter, and a new ice-forming compound with low silver content.

The first products 'Alazan-8M' have been transferred to specialized meteorological services and are already being used to protect vineyards in the south of Russia.

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