Russian factories of Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen have already been bought out by Russian companies (these are, respectively, major dealers 'Avtodom' and 'Avilon'), but have not yet started manufacturing. However, according to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, the preparatory processes are underway.

"I think this might be possible by the end of the year", — Denis Manturov replied to the question of when production might resume at the former Volkswagen factory in Kaluga.

As for the Moscow Region enterprise, where Mercedes-Benz was manufactured, the minister does not expect production to start before 2024.

I hope that colleagues will finalize their agreements with selected industrial partners and start production next year.
Denis Manturov

Who these partners will be is unclear so far. Although it is clear that we are talking about some Chinese companies: under the current conditions there is no other alternative.

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