Next week in Moscow, the forum "Army-2023" begins, one of the key participants of which will be "Kalashnikov". The company promises to show a lot, including a modernized AK-12.

Within the framework of the forum will be demonstrated the modernized version of the AK-12 assault rifle, Chukavin sniper rifle, Kalashnikov’s PPK-20 submachine gun, MPL, MPL1 and PLK pistols. The company will show UAVs from specialized enterprises included in the holding's contour, models of tracked and wheeled chassis for Buk-M3, Tor-M2 air defense missile systems and Zoopark-1M artillery reconnaissance complex from Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant, missile and artillery armament (UR "Vikhr-1", ZUR "Strela 9M333", UAS "Kitolov-2M").

The company added that they will also show at the forum models of the BK-16 landing craft and the BK-10 boat, VKPO 3.0 equipment, "Nakidka" camouflage material and an anti-shrapnel blanket developed by the NII Stali.

The AK-12 (6P70) is the 2016 model of the Kalashnikov. It was already modernized in 2020, and now the developers have modernized it once again.

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