The Federal Air Transport Agency reported that over the past year and a half the Russian aircraft register has increased by 658 units of foreign-made aircraft. Mostly, of course, we are talking about Airbus and Boeing aircraft.

As of July 15, 2023, over the past year and a half, the Federal Air Transport Agency has re-registered 658 foreign-made aircraft, used by 30 Russian airlines for commercial transportation. Also three aircraft owned by aircraft owners were re-registered. In total in the State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Russian Federation - more than 10 thousand aircraft.
Federal Air Transport Agency

The department added that the fleet of airlines is now actively being replenished with domestic vessels (since the beginning of the year, 43 aircraft and 89 helicopters have been included in the register). They also continue to include foreign-made aircraft in the registry (two Boeing 737-900ER were added in April).

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