From 9 to 14 July in Moscow, at the CMT congress center, the Forum of Future Technologies will take place for the first time. It will be dedicated to quantum technologies and will open a series of annual events. The business program of the event is divided into thematic blocks, covering various aspects of human life affected by quantum technologies: "Science and Technology: ensuring sovereignty and development", "What will the technologies of tomorrow be", "Combining science and creativity" and "How technologies change the world".

The program block "Science and Technology: ensuring sovereignty and development" - issues of demanded tools for state support. At one of the key sessions "Technological sovereignty and Russia's place in international science: a contradiction or synergy?" experts will touch on geopolitical issues and their impact on science, scientists, and engineers.

As part of the thematic direction "What will the technologies of tomorrow be" participants of the Forum will discuss future computing systems, quantum communications, and cybersecurity.

At the sessions of the block "How technologies change the world" participants will analyze the impact of technologies on the quality, duration of life, and the environment, and also present their vision of the "Quantum city of the future". In addition, experts will talk about the "brain-computer" interface and the application of quantum technologies in medicine.

A separate discussion will be devoted to combining science and creativity.

As part of a business breakfast, JSC "RZD" will discuss the use of quantum communications to ensure the cybersecurity of Russian companies. Also among the special events of the Forum is a VTsIOM session "Image of the future: public opinion about high technologies" and a press conference dedicated to the establishment of the National Award in the field of future technologies "Challenge". 

From 9 to 12 July, events of the closed scientific conference ICQT 2023 will be held, where scientists will analyze current achievements in quantum physics and trends in the development of quantum technologies. Open days of the Forum will be held on 13-14 July, during which a plenary session, 18 sessions and special events are planned.

It is expected that more than 1500 Russian and international guests will participate in the Forum. More than 100 researchers, engineers, and experts specializing in this field of science and technology will become speakers.

The Forum is hosted by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The co-organizers of the event are "Rosatom" and "RZD". The Russian Quantum Center is acting as the organizer of the scientific conference ICQT 2023.

Starting from June 29, online registration for media representatives on the Forum of Future Technologies has been launched. Applications for participation in the event can be submitted by representatives of Russian and foreign media, as well as bloggers.

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