"Ansat" is a light twin-engine multi-purpose helicopter, mass-produced at the Kazan Helicopter Plant (part of the "Russian Helicopters" holding of the "Rostec" state corporation). And now the state corporation has announced the supply of a large batch of 18 such machines in Zimbabwe.

"Ansat". Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexander Melnikov
"Ansat". Photo: RIA Novosti/Alexander Melnikov

The active development of the cooperation of the "Russian Helicopters" holding with Zimbabwe began in 2022, then several contracts were concluded for the supply of Mi-17 civilian helicopters and "Ansat" for key federal structures of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

"Today we solemnly hand over to the Republic of Zimbabwe a batch of Ansat helicopters of Russian production. Eighteen 'Ansats' are intended for ambulance aviation. First of all - to save patients in hard-to-reach areas. Each medical helicopter is equipped with a full set of medical equipment for resuscitation and emergency assistance", - said the General Director of "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov.

 "Russian helicopters are a real flying ambulance that will urgently fly to help when every minute counts. The helicopter will help save lives where ordinary transport is very long to wait. By 2025, sixty Russian-made helicopters will be delivered to the Republic of Zimbabwe", - added Chemezov.

The design of "Ansat" allows you to quickly change the configuration of the helicopter: transform it into a cargo and a passenger helicopter. "Ansat" has the most spacious passenger compartment in its class, can carry up to 7 people. The helicopter is certified for use in a temperature range from -45 to +50 ° C, is suitable for operation in the mountains.

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