According to "Avtostat Info", the Moscow pickup market in April 2023 has increased by 2.1 times compared to April of the previous year. A total of 385 new pickups were sold, which is 10% more than in March.

This is the most popular pickup in Moscow in April 2023 - it is Great Wall Poer
This is the most popular pickup in Moscow in April 2023 - it is Great Wall Poer

Foreign cars have secured three quarters of the market (291 sold cars), the remaining 24.4% or 94 units are UAZ "Patriot", it has the second place in the rating. In the first place is the Great Wall Poer with 95 sold cars (annual growth of almost 12 times), in third place is the company JAC, which sold 39 of its pickups.

Analysts note that Chinese models have almost swept away previous favorites – Japanese pickups Toyota and Mitsubishi. 

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