In "Roscosmos" they commented on the refusal of the US to cooperate with Russia on the launch of an automatic probe to Venus: the state corporation reported that such a decision of the US had no effect on the mission.

"The US refusal to cooperate had no effect on the tasks of the "Venus-D" mission for remote and contact studies of the atmosphere, surface, internal structure and surrounding plasma of Venus at a modern scientific and technical level, as well as the study of the possibility of returning to Earth samples of soil, atmosphere and aerosols of Venus", - told in "Roscosmos".

In the Russian space agency, they added that the mission "Venus-D" will be a continuation of the research conducted in Soviet times: they will be performed at a new technical level. "Over these years, a large volume of data has been accumulated regarding the structure and composition of the atmosphere, the cloud layer, wind speeds, the composition of the soil on the surface of the planet. However, many questions related to the dynamics of the atmosphere, the problems of super rotation, the giant greenhouse effect, the evolution of Venus, etc., remain unresolved", - they added in "Roscosmos".

We remind you, the launch of "Venus-D" will take place after 2030, the preliminary design of the probe "Venus-D" will begin in 2024.

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