As the publication "Kommersant" writes, "Rosatom" has become the sole owner of South Korean lithium-ion battery manufacturer Enertech International. The company "Renera", part of "Rosatom", in 2021 bought 49% of South Korean company from TVG Saehan Holdings Limited (structure of holding Ener1), and in 2022 from the same holding was bought another 49% of shares.

Enertech is a not so large plant with a capacity of 150 MW*h with its own Research and Development center. The company has been collaborating with BMW, Samsung and LG. However, the most important thing here is not production, but technology: as reported, traction batteries for Russian electric vehicles "Rosatom" will be produced in Russia using Enertech technology. "Renera" is planning to launch a plant in Kaliningrad with a capacity of 4 GW*h per year by 2025 - where they will assemble traction batteries for approximately 50,000 electric vehicles per year.

"The decision of "Rosatom" to acquire the technology can only be welcomed, because lithium-ion batteries are greatly needed in Russia now and the creation of their own technology will take at least three to four years", — commented Igor Chausov from the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Enerdzhinet" Center. He noted that Enertech is developing NMC (lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt-oxide) battery technology, suitable for use in electric transportation.

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