Russian car dealers and private sellers have raised the price of cars on sale by 10% — this is a result of the decrease in the cost of the Russian currency relative to the dollar and euro in March and April 2023.

Vitaly Timkiv / RIA "News"
Vitaly Timkiv / RIA "News"

"The exchange rate increase has a direct effect on the price dynamics. If we talk about parallel import, then the prices change instantly. In the last two weeks, prices have risen by 10%", — said the director of retail sales of the car group "Avilon" Renat Tyukteev.

Dmitry Rogov, the founder of the company "RogovMobile", who specializes in delivering cars from South Korea, Japan, Europe and the USA, agrees with him: "Cars imported from abroad have increased in price proportionally to the decrease in ruble rate, including those that are already in Russia, because if they are sold cheaper, it will be impossible to buy new ones. The dollar has grown by 10%, and so have the prices".

Since the beginning of March, the Russian currency has weakened against the US dollar by about 10%: if on March 1, the Central Bank of Russia rate was 74.9 rubles per US dollar, then already by April 11, the official rate rose to 82.2 rubles per dollar.

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