A new workshop of the "Moskabel plant" has opened in the town of Vorovsky near Moscow. All materials for its work are completely Russian.

The new workshop of the Moskabel plant will produce 6000 km of cable per year.
The new workshop of the Moskabel plant will produce 6000 km of cable per year.

Now, Russia will be able to reduce the share of imported cable products to 5% for strategic positions. Import substitution will almost completely occur in the production of geophysical and heating cables for oil wells, ship cables, communication and control cables.

The main customers of the new products will be Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, RZhD, Rosseti, Norilsk Nickel, Mosgortrans and other leading Russian enterprises.

262 million rubles were spent on launching the workshop. The Industry Development Fund supported with a concessional loan through the flagship program "Development Projects". One hundred people got a job in the workshop.

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