The newest Russian mobile operating system, KasperskyOS for Mobile, has been successfully tested.

It can be installed on smartphones during their manufacturing process.
It can be installed on smartphones during their manufacturing process.

The OS is based on the microkernel operating system KasperskyOS and has cyber immunity, i.e., "congenital" security and the ability to repel attacks.

Representatives of "Kaspersky Lab" tested the technology at a special base of the cellular operator "Megafon" in Saint Petersburg. They are studying how any subscriber's device will work on the operator's network under various conditions. Tests are conducted on a special dedicated network with all functional nodes: radio access network, core, transport segment. When checking technologies, fragments of networks from 2G, 3G, 4G to VoLTE, VoWIFI, 5G are used.

KasperskyOS for Mobile was tested according to the testing program of the "Megafon" laboratory, which consists of more than 250 test cases. For each case, logs of signal information exchange between the device and the network were recorded. If necessary, a comparison of the operation of the device based on the company's operating system with a similar device based on the reference OS was conducted.
Press service of "Megafon"

In particular, the new operating system was tested for compliance with 3GPP cellular communication standards. It also successfully passed tests for correct operation when performing basic functions: data transmission, calls, sending SMS messages, switching between mobile communication technologies in all modern networks used in Russia –2G, 3G, 4G.

Complete data on the test results have already been submitted to the developers from "Kaspersky Lab". The appearance of devices with KasperskyOS for Mobile on the market has become closer, but the approximate dates of their entry into the market are not yet called. Ahead are negotiations with technical partners: device manufacturers, telecommunications operators, and software developers.

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