Especially Dangerous: Russia to Establish a List of VPN Services for Mandatory Blocking

A special commission will decide how dangerous a service is for internet security

A commission will appear in Russia that will check VPN services for threats to the security of the Internet.

So far we are talking about a mobile network, but VPN services for computers are also being observed.

If the commission, according to the Ministry of Digital Development, decides that the service is dangerous, it will definitely be blocked. The filtering of specific VPN services and VPN protocols on the mobile network for foreign traffic will occur based on government resolution.

Over the last year, using an automated internet security system (ASBI), the Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center managed to block or restrict the work for 167 VPNs and more than 200 email services. They posed a threat to stability, security, and integrity of the communications network.

In general, over this time ASBI has blocked or restricted the work of more than half a million various types of Russian information resources.

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