Photos of the updated Russian reconnaissance BRDM-2MS appeared on the Internet

It was given super protection from drones and RPGs

Pictures of the updated Russian armored reconnaissance patrol vehicle BRDM-2MS appeared on the Internet.

The equipment received complex armor from drones and grenades.

Now it is impossible to approach it either from the air or by any other means. Like her Soviet predecessor, the legendary BRDM-2, tested in the 'hot spots' of Afghanistan, Chechnya, South Ossetia and other conflicts, it remains a universal armored reconnaissance vehicle for the military.

The world saw the upgraded version of the BRDM-2MS weighing 6,900 kg in 2019 when it was acquired by Serbia, friendly to Russia.

The upgrades include:

  • a diesel engine with a power of 150 hp;
  • maximum speed on the highway up to 100 km/h, and on dirt roads - up to 50 km/h;
  • fire control system, able to see the enemy at a distance of up to 5 km during the day and up to 3.5 km at night;
  • new range - 1,500 km;
  • additional armor panels 6 mm against bullets of calibers 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm in all projections;
  • additional measures to increase mine resistance.

 For a panoramic view in the BRDM-2MS, six cameras were installed, allowing the five members of the crew to conduct round-the-clock observation of the area.

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