The Soviet airborne armored personnel carrier BTR-D, developed by Volgograd Tractor Plant based on BMD-1, started to be equipped with 82-mm smoothbore automatic mortars 2B9 'Vasilek'. 

2B9 'Vasilek'
2B9 'Vasilek'

It is known that the fire rate of 'Vasilek' is 120 shots per minute. The mortar fires fragmentation mines, which when exploded disintegrate into 800 fragments, hitting the enemy within a radius of 6 m. The shooting range of the gun is more than 4.2 km. 


 BTR-D is light and maneuverable,  in tandem with 2B9 'Vasilek', this military equipment poses a serious threat. Russian servicemen, managing the BTR-D, carry out fire attacks and quickly retire to avoid retaliatory fire. 

2B9 'Vasilek' mortars are also installed on MT-LB transporters and all-terrain vehicles. Such transport receives enhanced fire power.

'Vasilek' was produced by the 'Bolshevik' factory, now - JSC 'GOZ Obukhovsky Factory' in St. Petersburg. The mortar was widely used in various conflicts involving the Soviet and then Russian military. The weapon was repeatedly upgraded, according to open data, 'Vasilek' has 7 modifications.

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