Russian buyers will be able to purchase smartphones and tablets from domestic manufacturers Fplus, Byteerg and Aquarius based on the Russian OS Aurora as early as November. The publication Kommersant reports this. 

 OS Aurora
OS Aurora

According to the media, mobile devices will be presented in the lower price segment - up to 20 thousand rubles. Discounts will be offered as a promotional measure. Developers believe that the release of products in the consumer segment will speed up the creation of mobile applications for Aurora OS. However, IT market experts believe that without banning devices running Android and iOS, domestic smartphones will account for no more than 1% of the market. 

It is noted that the owner of Aurora - Rostelecom has lowered the cost of the OS license for mobile device manufacturers to 1 thousand rubles.  Later, Russian companies will pay the full price - 4.5 thousand rubles. Kommersant sources also claim that domestic smartphones will be sold in new regions of Russia.

At the same time, the offered smartphones and tablets are largely considered as a working tool for officials and company employees, where they are recommended to use Russian software. Experts emphasize that smartphones and tablets on Aurora OS are not aimed at ousting devices with traditional operating systems from the market.

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