Specialists of «Ruselectronics» holding, part of the state corporation «Rostec», at the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, have created a line of matrix photomodules based on crystalline silicon (c-Si). It is noted that the photomodules are made from domestic components, they can be used in devices for video monitoring and guidance of high-precision weapons [such weapons, among others, include reconnaissance and fire complexes, cruise missiles of air and sea basing - note of the www1.ru edition].

Launch of the «Kalibr» missile
Launch of the «Kalibr» missile

According to the press service of the corporation, the module has low power consumption and can "see" at any time of the day (range 400-900 nm). Thanks to the Bayer RGB filter applied to the surface of the matrix, the device forms an image with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels.

The general director of the NPP «Pulsar» (part of Ruselectronics) Sergei Borovoy said that this solution can be used in video systems for military and civilian purposes. By the end of 2023, the enterprise plans to present a camera for technical vision, which will be equipped with new photomodules.

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