Russian scientists find a cheap way to generate fuel from water

Scientists in Rostov-on-Don have created an economical material for generating fuel from water

Researchers from the Southern Federal University (SFU) have developed an economical material that can be used in the manufacture of eco-friendly fuel and energy storage.

SFU Scientists

As explained in the Research Laboratory of Functional Nanomaterials Technology at SFU, this material can be used as a catalyst for fuel cells. According to laboratory employee Tatyana Myasoedova, the main innovation of the complex material is the presence of copper-molybdenum sulfide (CuMoS), which splits water into hydrogen and oxygen under the influence of current.

The university's press service emphasized that currently noble metals - platinum and its derivatives are considered effective catalysts for oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution. However, the cost of such a process is high. Moreover, palladium (a transition noble metal of the platinum group of silvery-white color - note. catalysts do not provide protection against oxidizing fuel substances. Against this background, the SFU study is very promising. According to Myasoedova, their material can be used as a catalyst for rechargeable batteries.

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