Warning to the US: Military Watch explained why F-35 loses to the Su-57 fighter

Military Watch magazine compared the Russian Su-57 fighter with the American F-35

The US has reacted to the handover to the Russian Aerospace Forces of another batch of fifth-generation multi-purpose fighters Su-57. The American publication The Military Watch has published an article dedicated to the Russian plane.


As the editorial staff notes, Russia is slightly behind the competitors in terms of production volumes of Su-27. For example, the US produces about a hundred F-35s, and China produces the same number of J-20s. However, the Russian fighter has a number of advantages, the publication emphasizes. In particular, the Su-57 is the only fifth-generation fighter in the world that participates in combat operations.

As clarified by The Military Watch, the successor to the Su-27 was developed in such a way as to avoid increasing the costs of its production. In addition, the Su-27 turned out to be more economical in operation than its predecessors.

F-35 fighters, unlike the Su-27, can boast of neither. Production and operation of the American fifth-generation fighter are associated with significant costs, the publication's editorial staff concluded.

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