The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Sigma, produced by the company «AVACS-GeoService», was presented at the XII forum «Information Technologies in the Service of the Defense Industry Complex» (ITOPK-2023), which takes place in Krasnoyarsk from September 27 to 29. The stand with the drone interested many guests of the event.

The drone, developed by «AVACS-GeoService»
The drone, developed by «AVACS-GeoService»

Nikolai Gulyutin, an employee of «AVACS-GeoService», spoke about the technical specifications of Sigma. According to him, the range of the drone, equipped with an internal combustion engine (ICE), is 500 km. Sigma can stay in the air for up to 6 hours. 

Gulyutin clarified that by expanding the fuel part, the flight range can be increased up to 1000 km, and the time in the air - up to 12 hours. In addition, the design of the drone allows it to carry a payload of up to 5 kg. As a cargo on Sigma, you can install a camera, thermal imager, laser rangefinder.

Earlier, wrote about the development of the promising drone «Angravity», which is being worked on by employees of the same name startup.

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