The Mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, announced significant achievements of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) "Technopolis Moscow" via his official Telegram channel. Since the SEZ was established in 2006, more than 140 billion rubles have been invested by companies that produce innovative products.

At present, the SEZ has gathered over 200 enterprises specializing in high-tech products, ranging from microchips to drones. More than 90 companies have the status of a SEZ resident, which brings them significant tax advantages. For such companies, transport, land and property taxes are abolished for 10 years, and the income tax rate is only 2%. Rent concessions are also available for building production facilities.

Just in the first half of the current year, companies have actively invested more than 20 billion rubles in their developments, which is 1.2 times more than in the corresponding period of 2022.

Investment leaders are companies specializing in microelectronics, optics, robotics and pharmaceutical products manufacturing.

In the first half of 2023, the SEZ "Technopolis Moscow" created more than 1,400 jobs. Companies specializing in microelectronics, optics, and robotics production stand out, hiring the largest number of new employees.

To ensure a constant influx of qualified personnel, the SEZ has launched the "TechnoWork" project. Since the beginning of the year, about 600 job vacancies have been posted on its platform, with an average filling time of about a month. After the opening of the "Rudnevo" industrial park, the number of companies interested in hiring has increased by 16.

At present, more than 15,500 employees are employed in the SEZ "Technopolis Moscow".

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