The Ministry of Industry and Trade has calculated how the park of imported aircraft will be replaced by domestic ones. According to the ministry, by 2030, 81.3% of aircraft at the disposal of Russian airlines will be of domestic production. These data are contained in the development strategy of the manufacturing industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the period up to 2035.

If now the absolute majority of passenger aircraft in Russia are of foreign production, then by 2025 more than 53% will be domestic. By 2028, the share of domestic aircraft will amount to 66.8%. These will be SJ-100, MS-21, Tu-214, Il-96, An-24, An-26, Il-114-300, TVRS-44 "Ladoga" and LMS-901 "Baikal". And in the next two years, the share of Russian equipment will increase by another 14.5%.

The strategy also states that by 2030 the passenger flow will be 116.1 million passengers per year: 104.5 million passengers on domestic flights, 11.6 million people - on international flights. 

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