The company «Azimuth», which is part of the «Rostec» perimeter, in cooperation with LLC «Social systems», developed and certified a domestic contactless bank card reader VSAM-01.

The device can be used for payment in stores, vending machines, banks. VSAM-01 can also be used in public transport. The reader has no problem updating the software for new requirements of the Central Bank and the national payment system «Mir».

The contactless bank card reader created with our support will reduce the dependence of the contactless payment industry on foreign solutions. All rights to it belong to a Russian company, which guarantees uninterrupted support of the software solution that meets all the requirements of the Central Bank and the national payment system «Mir». The device is already actively used in urban transport payment systems in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Ossetia and the Stavropol region. We plan to expand the geography of its application, increasing the production of devices more than tenfold for this purpose. I am confident that the demand for this product will only grow, since VSAM-01 is in no way inferior to foreign counterparts, while on average it is 10-15% cheaper.
CEO of JSC «Azimuth» Asker Saidov

VSAM-01 has already received a conclusion from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which allows its production and use on the territory of Russia.

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