Science can become fashionable. This is assured by the head of the quantum computing sector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's Quantum Technology Center, Stanislav Straupe. 

According to the speaker, scientists need to show the general public by their own example that science is done by interesting and adequate people. “To make science fashionable, we need to create role models for future scientists. If we want to attract young people to science, we need to show them what they will be if they successfully follow this path,” Straupe explained. 

Stanislav Straupe
Stanislav Straupe

Also in an interview with the correspondent in the corridors of the Future Technology Forum, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences explained the key difference between the professions of scientist and engineer. Scientists try to dismantle the events happening in the world to “screws” to understand their structure. The engineer, on the other hand, is tasked with assembling and creating something. The engineer transforms, transforms, and modifies reality. 

It seems to me that I am evolving from a scientist gradually towards an engineer. In the good sense of the term. That is, I am reorienting myself to some kind of applied solutions. This does not mean that the scientist in me dies. Just our science is slowly becoming technology. This means that it has sort of “materialized” and now produces something that can really be useful to people, not just representing some fundamental interest. I, as a true physicist, am in a superposition. By nature, I am a scientist and I am still motivated by scientific interest. On the other hand, colleagues motivate us to create technologies and products and commercialize them.  This is a driver that makes me look at the world a bit through the eyes of an engineer. Not a very familiar view for me. I am learning little by little. Then, probably, I will have to look at the world through the eyes of a businessman. These are all very interesting ways to look at the world.
Stanislav Straupe

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