The movement of personnel is a sharp problem not only for Russian, but also for global science. The head of the scientific group "Quantum Information Technologies" of the Russian Quantum Center Alexey Fedorov told in a conversation with the correspondent of why he chose to continue his research path precisely in Russia.

Alexey Fedorov
Alexey Fedorov

Russia has one of the most effective and attractive grant programs for young scientists. Such an opinion on the sidelines of the Future Technologies Forum in a comment for was shared by Alexey Fedorov, head of the scientific group "Quantum Information Technologies" of the Russian Quantum Center. After graduating from graduate school in France, he decided to return to Russia and continue his scientific path exactly at home. 

He noted that international experience is extremely useful for scientists. However, the problem of brain drain is acutely faced in all countries where science is actively developing. For example, in Russia it is "brain drain", and in the USA - the transition of personnel from science to industry. The scientist noted that attracting personnel back requires creating attractive conditions and opportunities for development. This, according to Alexey Fedorov, Russia manages to do better than other countries. 

I worked in Canada, in the United States of America, studied in France. When I finished graduate school, I had a choice: to go to Switzerland, to China, stay in France or go to Russia. I chose Russia. Firstly, I saw specific opportunities for development within my direction - quantum technologies. I understood that this direction was, is and will be developed, it is paid attention to by both the state and business, and partners. And another significant factor: I saw specific tools for supporting scientific groups. This is the presidential program of the Russian Science Foundation. To be honest, I can say that this is the best grant system I have encountered. 
Alexey Fedorov

According to the young scientist, in order for as many scientists as possible to return to Russia, it is very important to popularize this tool that the state offers. At present, this is one of the most effective measures to support young scientists and scientific groups, since science and technology remain a priority for the state. Social support that the state provides to young scientists is also important. Alexey Fedorov hopes that it will be scaled up further. 

It seems to me that a combination of these factors, the presence of a vector at the level of spirit, correct striving and specific instruments, when after graduation, say in Germany or the USA, you can return and create a scientific group here, contributes to the return of scientists. 
Alexey Fedorov

The issue of the return of personnel to Russian science was discussed at the Future Technologies Forum, which was organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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