Super sensitive magnetic field sensors are cutting-edge technology in many fields, particularly in medicine. At the Future Technologies Forum, which is being held in Moscow from July 9 to 14, Russian scientists presented a development that will help diagnose diseases at the earliest stage, even before symptoms appear. In the future, the device can not only reduce the cost of magnetoencephalography (MEG), but also simplify the procedure itself.

Our brain generates electromagnetic fields. We are building a method that is based on the registration of the electronic component, which is called EEG. But it has an error in terms of spatial resolution, because electrical fields, passing through the skull, become weakened. Therefore, they come to the electrodes weakened. But if we detect magnetic fields using highly sensitive quantum sensors, we can get much more information about this organ.
Project Leader of QLU Maxim Ostras
Maxim Ostras (right)
Maxim Ostras (right)

The idea of ​​this development appeared back in the 90s. But finally — as a product — it took shape in 2016. The development was helped by financing from a major investor — Gazprombank. According to the message of the credit institution, the startup received 33 million rubles.

Currently, the QLU project is mass-producing this technology in order to be able to use it for solving real tasks. According to the expert, this requires building a technological infrastructure and production chains.

At the same time, production can be fully localized in Russia. "Specifically, in our case, high-sensitivity electronics, with which there may be problems, is not needed. We use what is already in Russia", — summed up the head of the QLU project.

Let's add that the theme of the Future Technologies Forum in 2023 is the quantum world. Scientists from leading universities and research centers, experts, and business representatives gathered to discuss the latest developments and solutions based on quantum technologies. The organizers of the forum are the Roscongress Foundation, supported by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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