Georgy Shlyapnikov
Georgy Shlyapnikov

Domestic science is developing in line with the global trend. As in other countries, the prestige of the profession of scientist is decreasing every year. This trend affects not only Russia, but also Western European and North American countries. Theoretical physicist Georgy Shlyapnikov voiced this problem during a conversation with a correspondent from 

The expert drew attention to the Chinese experience, where the "Thousand Talents" program has been implemented by the PRC government since 2008. As part of this program, thousands of scientists who have achieved success in the USA and Europe are returning to China. However, how appropriate it is to apply the Chinese experience in Russia is a debatable question. 

"Do we need such a program in Russia? I'm not sure. Maybe, but it's a tough question. It means much higher salaries. For those scientists who work in ordinary institutes, this will cause a corresponding negative reaction. But to make a high salary for everyone in all of Russian science is impossible. When I talk to people, even directors of large academic institutes in Russia, I tell them: 50, and even 60% of institute employees need to be dismissed. They agree, but say that the figure is a bit less - 30-40%. And that's true. We have too many people who, to put it mildly, are considered scientists, but in fact don't do anything for science," - says Georgy Shlyapnikov. 

According to the scientist, science needs to attract truly talented, determined and efficient scientists, who with a smaller number will show better results, thereby increasing the status of Russian science. 

I would say that science needs to take fewer people in quantity, but better ones in quality. Over time - over 5-10 years - this will lead to the fact that the overall level will increase. If you have people who were excellent from the very beginning, and remained so, the level will be higher
Georgy Shlyapnikov

It should be added that the question of the prestige of Russian scientists was discussed as part of the session "Image of the Future: Public Opinion on High Technologies" at the Forum of Future Technologies, the central theme of which was the quantum world. The Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) and the Roscongress Foundation conducted a study "Portrait of a Scientist and Engineer". It turned out that the sphere of future technologies is perceived by the population as a promising direction. The survey also showed that the professions of scientist and engineer are considered prestigious.

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