The Russian Android application store Rustore is becoming more convenient and functional. The next novelty, which developers will surely appreciate, is the automated download of applications through the API (a set of developer tools).

"The Russian app store Rustore has released the API for publishing and working with reviews and ratings. The tool allows automating the download of new products and interacting more operatively with users", - told in VK, which owns Rustore.

VK described the approximate mechanism: the developer uploads the application in the APK file, adds descriptions, screenshots, and icons of applications - and it’s all automatically published. It is noted that such an approach will allow "to fully automate the publication process and significantly reduce download time".

Through the API, you can also work with reviews and ratings, respond to user reviews.

"Receiving current assessments will allow companies to automate analytics regarding applications and monitor how each of the updates affects the rating. The developer will always stay connected with their audience. Publishers can also export review and rating analytics for further analysis and improving their products", - added in VK. 

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