Natalia Shorina, head of press service of the company "Electric Vehicles Manufacturing Rus", announced plans to significantly increase the production volumes of electric trucks EVM Pro.

«The plant's capacity is a thousand cars a year. We want to make much more because we estimate the market capacity somewhere on average at 10 thousand. cars a year. We want to increase to 5 thousand by purchasing additional industrial sites», – Shorina said. She added that they want to implement the plan by 2025.

EVM Pro was presented in February 2022, it is built on the chassis UAZ "Profi". The range of the electric vehicle with a weight of 3.5 tons on one charge is up to 300 km, the permissible payload can reach 1 ton. Earlier it was reported by the government of Moscow that potential customers of EVM Pro could be "Russian Railways", "Russian Post" and other large companies.

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