Russian scientists have created a source of photons for quantum computers - for the first time in the country

Such devices are created in three to four laboratories in the world

A semiconductor device for controlled emission of single photons has been created in Russia. It was developed by scientists from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (FTI). The device will find application in quantum computers.

«We have developed the first source of single photons in Russia. This device is a structure, at the center of which is a quantum dot - an artificial semiconductor object with extremely small dimensions, possessing many properties of a single atom. Due to their unique characteristics, quantum dots are quantum objects that emit absolutely identical (indistinguishable) single photons, which can be used as qubits in quantum computing devices.», - reported Alexey Toropov, head of the Quantum Photonics Laboratory of the FTI named after A.F. Ioffe.

Quantum dots are "islands" of indium arsenide, surrounded by gallium arsenide, deposited on a multi-layered semiconductor substrate.

The research of scientists of the FTI named after A.F. Ioffe is carried out within the framework of the Roadmap "Quantum Computing", developed by "Rosatom" and approved in July 2020.

Let's remind, already next week in Russia starts the Forum of future technologies, within the framework of which quantum technologies and their role in the technological development of the country will be discussed.

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