The aviation regulator explained what would threaten Russians with the launch of drones without permission. In short: it is better to get this permission, after all, because the fine can be equivalent to the cost of the drone in the best case.

RIA News
RIA News

" Issues about determining responsibility in case of unauthorized use of a drone, violation of airspace and other similar actions are not under the jurisdiction of the Aviation Administration. But we think it necessary to tell you that violation of the rules for using airspace involves fines (Article 11.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), and in case of serious harm to health or death of a person - imprisonment (Article 271.1 of the Criminal Code) < / i>", - the regulator reported.

According to Article 11.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Violation of the rules for using airspace", fines for individuals amount to 20-50 thousand rubles, for official persons - 50-150 thousand, for legal entities - 250-500 thousand. In accordance with article 271.1. "Violation of the rules for using the airspace of the Russian Federation"), in case of causing serious harm to health or the death of a person by negligence, the perpetrator can face imprisonment up to 7 years.

Also, in case of illegal photography and video filming with a drone, they can be prosecuted for treason, espionage or disclosure of state secrets.

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