Russian engineers have developed a method that improves the accuracy of laser rangefinders for space and navigation

In addition to space, the method can also be used in construction and surveying

Engineers of the Research Institute «Polyus» named after M.F. Stelmakh of the «Shvabe» holding (part of Rostec) created a solution, which improves the accuracy of rangefinders 18 times. At the same time, the new method eliminates the risk of false rangefinder triggers.

«Rostec engineers have derived a new formula for calculating the readings of laser radiation in a rangefinder. As a result, the error in calculations has decreased and the accuracy of the device's readings has increased. In modern life, rangefinders are used in many areas - from aviation and satellite equipment to navigation and construction, so the development has great practical value», – explained Rostec Executive Director Oleg Evtushenko.

The principle of the rangefinder is based on the emission of a laser, reflected off an obstacle and returned back to the registrar device. The distance to the object is calculated in fractions of a second. In navigation, the new method will allow determining the distance to the approaching obstacle with extreme accuracy even in adverse weather conditions.

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