Engineers of the Research Institute «Polyus» named after M.F. Stelmakh of the «Shvabe» holding (part of Rostec) created a solution, which improves the accuracy of rangefinders 18 times. At the same time, the new method eliminates the risk of false rangefinder triggers.

«Rostec engineers have derived a new formula for calculating the readings of laser radiation in a rangefinder. As a result, the error in calculations has decreased and the accuracy of the device's readings has increased. In modern life, rangefinders are used in many areas - from aviation and satellite equipment to navigation and construction, so the development has great practical value», – explained Rostec Executive Director Oleg Evtushenko.

The principle of the rangefinder is based on the emission of a laser, reflected off an obstacle and returned back to the registrar device. The distance to the object is calculated in fractions of a second. In navigation, the new method will allow determining the distance to the approaching obstacle with extreme accuracy even in adverse weather conditions.

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