Russia has significantly improved the AK-12 automatic rifle, the trials of the upgraded version are expected to be completed in June

It has become lighter and more convenient

In Russia, trials of the modified AK-12 automatic rifle are set to be completed in June. The chief designer of the Kalashnikov concern, Sergey Urzhumtsev, explained the differences between the AK-12 2023 and its predecessor.

Photo: Ilya Maksimov/RG

The new version has a two-sided safety lever, the ability to lock the bolt frame with the safety on was added. The sight has changed: the new rear sight has two positions - one for firing at the distance of a direct shot, the other - for firing at a long distance.

The AK-12 2023 was equipped with a modernized buttstock with an adjustable cheek and a new forearm, which became stronger and more ergonomic. Among the improvements is a non-removable flash suppressor-compensator, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with a removable silent shooting device.

The first batch for experimental military exploitation AK-12 2023 is ready to be handed over to the Ministry of Defence of Russia.

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