A young Chinese scientist, Du Chunzhui, has developed a software complex for controlling satellites in lunar space at the Queen's University in Samara.

Photo: Izvestia/Pavel Bednyakov
Photo: Izvestia/Pavel Bednyakov

«At present, many countries are developing the concept of a lunar space station - LCS. Such a station can be used as a base platform for exploring the moon, other planets, as well as for studying problems that may arise during long-term human flights in deep space. The program I developed will effectively control the movement of spacecraft in lunar space, calculating optimal options for their movement between different orbits», - Du Chunzhui said.

The scientist noted that the program will allow more operational changes to the working orbits of satellites, ultimately this leads to fuel savings of spacecraft engines and an increase in the operation time of satellite systems.

The novelty of the project is that the software complex calculates the flights of spacecraft not around the moon, but in lunar space, around the Lagrange points or vibration points.

«The thing is that the orbits around the Lagrange points are much more stable, stable and reliable, and it is better to use them for placing satellite groups in lunar space than unstable orbits around the moon. The trajectory of a satellite flying around the moon will constantly be distorted, it will have to be constantly turning on the engines to correct the orbit, that is, the fuel and the lifespan of such a satellite will end much faster than, say, its near-Earth "colleague"», - explained the scientific leader of Du Chunzhui, head of the department of flight dynamics and control systems at Samara University Olga Starinova.

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