Russian scientists propose to create a system that allows real-time monitoring of the implementation of strategic documents and state orders. According to the scientists from the leading universities of the country, the "digital state plan" will combine the existing internal information systems of the Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, Treasury, Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Ministry of Digital Development. Additionally, they propose to integrate the automated control system, the electronic budget system, the EIS, the "State tech", the GIS, the AIS "Tax-3" and the EAIS TO into the "digital state plan". The most interesting thing is that the "digital state plan" even has a prototype, and it hails from Soviet times!

The idea of academician Viktor Glushkov is proposed as a basis. In the 1960s, he tried to create OGAS - a nationwide automated system for information accounting and processing, which was a Soviet version of the Internet - a computer network connecting data collection and processing centers in all regions of the country. Interestingly, at that time, officials were against the OGAS, because the system could expose them for distorting statistics. Now domestic scientists propose to give a new life to the academician's ideas.

They want to start the pilot project of the "digital state plan" this year with the priority industries of import substitution - electronics and automotive manufacturing. Then it will be scaled to the petrochemical industry, agriculture, transport, and medicine. According to scientists, with the help of this project, management of the economy will become more efficient.

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