The cost of Russian processors 'Elbrus' and 'Baikal' has skyrocketed - since the beginning of the year it has doubled on average. The reason for this is production problems: remember, after the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, TSMC refused to fulfill orders from Russian companies.

A reduction in production volumes, superimposed on increased demand from Russian server manufacturers, data storage systems and PCs, has led to a sharp increase in prices. On the website of one of the largest Russian electronics stores, 'Baikal' processors have risen to 9 thousand rubles (an increase of 55%). This is forcing Russian hardware developers to switch to using imported components and lose preferences in public procurement.

The problem could be solved by moving CPU production to Russia, but at the moment this is impossible due to the lack of suitable equipment: the processors are designed for production under the norms of a 28-nanometer technology process, and the equipment available in Russia can produce a maximum of 65-nanometer chips. Suitable equipment for producing 'Elbrus' and 'Baikal' in Russia, according to forecasts, will appear only by 2030.

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