After many companies left Russia last year, a big deficit of technologies was noticed, and in various sectors. For example, only imported rotary steerable systems (RSS) for directional drilling are currently used in oil extraction: they allow speed of drilling and other parameters to be controlled. But they plan to replace this import starting from 2025.

According to the head of the oil service company "OFS Technologies" (formerly Baker Hughes in Russia) David Gadzhimirzaev, the start of production of Russian RSS is scheduled for early 2025, and we are not talking about creating a JV with foreigners: "We plan to become completely independent in terms of production of rotary steerable systems. We are analyzing the geography of production placement - most likely, it will be Western Siberia".

It is noted that more than half of the components for the production of RSS are now produced in Russia, the rest of the components are planned to be imported from friendly countries.

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