Russian tourists will be able to pay with 'Mir' cards in Cuba as early as 2023

The 'Mir' cards are already partially functioning in Cuba — cash can be withdrawn from them at ATMs

This year, the 'Mir' system cards should fully work in Cuba. This follows from a statement made by the Cuban ambassador in Russia Julio Garmendia Peña in an interview with RIA Novosti.

«We already, probably, somewhere for a year or slightly more work on implementing the 'Mir' card system in our mutual settlements. We understand that this is very convenient for tourists from Russia who come to Cuba. The process has dragged on a bit due to technical issues. We hope that this year we will certainly implement it [Mir cards] «, — said the diplomat.

The 'Mir' cards partially already work in Cuba – tourists can withdraw cash. But launching payments will obviously make them much more convenient.

«It is necessary for the cards to work in full volume. There is a desire, there is an intention to work on the technical issues which will allow its full implementation», — said Julio Garmendia Peña.

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