The executive director of the company NPO "Android Technique" Evgeny Dudorov spoke about the possibilities of the promising domestic robotic complex "Marker". According to him, the robot will be able to launch swarms of inconspicuous drones up to 100 pieces, which will attack the enemy.

Mobile robot platform "Marker". Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv
Mobile robot platform "Marker". Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

"Potentially we can install on the "Marker" containers in which up to 100 such drones will be placed. Thus, swarms of drones can be launched from the "Marker" to attack the enemy", — said Evgeny Dudorov.

The talk is about BAS-80 drones, the tests of which should be completed by the summer of this year. The weight of one such drone is about 2.5 kg (1.7 kg - the weight of the drone itself, 600 grams - the weight of the combat part), the flight range is up to 30 km.

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